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Sponsor A Volunteer

Farm Rescue is excited to share a unique program that will further enable you to participate in our mission of assisting farm and ranch families who have experienced a major illness, injury or natural disaster.

As the organization's most valuable resource, volunteers come from far and wide to assist with planting, haying, harvesting and livestock feeding operations across a eight-state region. As our volunteer base expands, so does the number of farm and ranch families assisted! With this welcomed growth also comes an increasing need for funds to cover operational expenses, such as volunteer meals and lodging.

To ensure a sound financial future that allows Farm Rescue to carry out its mission for many years to come, we hope you will assist us in broadening our donor base through a program called "Sponsor-A-Volunteer". By making a donation on our website or writing a check made out to Farm Rescue, your friends, family, co-workers and other contacts can contribute to the important work that volunteers do.

The donations will be applied to the overall expenses associated with volunteering. The suggested amount is $500 a year per volunteer; however, any amount that can help offset volunteer costs is valuable.

Sponsor-A-Volunteer donations help us offset volunteer costs so that we may mobilize more volunteers. By sponsoring a volunteer, you are helping farm and ranch families who have experienced unexpected crises.


FARM RESCUE SPONSOR - North Star Community Credit Union




Farm Rescue 2023 - Glen Ullin, ND