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Apply for Assistance

Application FAQs

Q: How long does it take to fill out an application?

A: The two-page application usually only takes about 20-30 minutes to complete.


Q: Who will have access to my information?

A: Your information will remain confidential. The only people who will see your application during the review process are the Farm Rescue Board of Directors and authorized employees.


Q: Why do I need to send in a Farm Data Report?

A: The Farm Data Report is used to verify that you own or rent the farmland.


Q: I don’t want to be a burden. What if someone else needs the help more than I do?

A: Be assured that Farm Rescue wants to help you. We have a wait list of volunteers who look forward to assisting a farmer in need. Our Board of Directors will review your case and make a determination whether we can provide assistance based on a variety of factors. (Location, weather, volunteer staffing levels, schedule, type of crop and other circumstances related to each individual case.)


Q: How many people will help me?

A: This depends if it is planting, harvesting or haying. However, a team of volunteers usually consists of two to five people.


Q: When do I know if my case has been approved?

A: We make every effort to review your case within 24-48 hours of receiving your application for assistance at our office. Some cases may require an onsite visit by our staff or Board of Directors prior to making a final determination.


Q: What equipment do you use?

A: We use state-of-the-art equipment, sponsored by John Deere and several local John Deere dealerships. Farm Rescue also has several purchased pieces of equipment, made possible through grant funding and business/individual contributions. Our livestock feeding equipment is sponsored by Haybuster. This equipment utilizes the latest technology and is operated by experienced volunteers. Equipment normally consists of four-wheel drive tractors, 60’ no-till air seeders, 60’ corn / soybean planters, combines 40’/45’ flex, 12-row 30’ corn headers and a John Deere round baler. Chevrolet trucks sponsored by Puklich Chevrolet, Ryan Chevrolet and Certified Heartland Chevy Dealers are used for transportation. If necessary, we may also utilize a farmer’s equipment.


Q: What kinds of crops do you plant and harvest?

A: We plant small grains in 7.5” spacing and row crops in 15” or 30” spacing.


FARM RESCUE SPONSOR - North Star Community Credit Union




Farm Rescue 2023 - Glen Ullin, ND