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Our Impact

2024 Weekly Highlights

Pickup and Semi with Farm Rescue graphics; John Deere combine with corn header

Two more great photos of Farm Rescue's Farm Progress Show booth courtesy of Field Operations Manager Ben Smith. Thank you, Ben!

September 5, 2024 – Can I get a witness?

Even with the large amount of families Farm Rescue has helped over the years, there is still some confusion about what we do. We are occasionally mistaken for an insurance company. Others think we just ride through the countryside on tractors looking for farmers in distress along the way.

While that does paint a vivid picture, some of our best representation is when our staff and volunteers can speak directly with the public. Farm shows and in-person events give Farm Rescue the platform to clear up the misconceptions.

We had several volunteers attend the recent grand opening event for P&K Midwest, a John Deere dealership in Delmar, Iowa. This brand-new dealer location features a totally new facility, and Farm Rescue’s booth was near the beginning of the food serving line. Our Angels in Blue were able to connect with a good percentage of the more than 800 attendees!

This was a great way to get the word out about Farm Rescue but left them little time to catch any pictures of the event. That would be why the featured pictures of the highlight this week are additional photos Field Operations Manager Ben Smith captured during the Farm Progress Show. I’m very thankful Ben got so many great photos!

Farm Rescue volunteers recently finished up harvest cases in Mott and Donnybrook, North Dakota, respectively.

One active case this week was for a Hettinger, North Dakota, farm family dealing with the loss of a loved one. Our Angels in Blue minded the gap so this family could concentrate on celebrating the life of their beloved dad and tend to their livestock herd.

A farm family in Drake, North Dakota, is helping their loved one fight esophageal cancer. To free up their time and attention, our volunteers are working to bring their crops in for the season.

Many thanks go to volunteers Andy Wittenburg, Kieth Worthley, Albert Lautenschlager, Louis Lautenschlager, Will Rudolphi, John Robertson, Brian Palmer, Jeff Moss, Kevin Snyder, Rick Davidson, Lee Bleeker, Tim Moore, Dennis Morgan, and Steve Satterthwaite.

“The future belongs to those of us still willing to get our hands dirty.”—Anonymous


Jennifer Theurer
Field Operations Support Assistant

A group of Farm Progress attendees learn more about Farm Rescue's mission. Sloan Implement, Monroe, Wisconsin, and Wyffels Hybrids hosted a Farm Rescue Friday benefit.
Farm Progress and Farm Rescue Friday festivities

Farm Rescue Development Officer Terry Johnston shares Farm Rescue's mission with attendees of the recent Farm Progress Show. Sloan Implement and Wyffels Hybrids hosted a Farm Rescue Friday event at the Sloan's Monroe, Wisconsin, location.

August 29, 2024 – Making progress, Farm Progress that is

Harvest cases are popping up all over our territory and we had a bucketful of Angels in Blue gathering crops for farm families in crisis this week.

A Donnybrook, North Dakota, farmer fell from his sprayer and fractured his leg to the point where it will take up to 5 months to heal. Farm Rescue volunteers were available to help his family get their crop in and concentrate on getting their farmer back on his feet.

A farmer in Crosby, North Dakota, is facing a pair of major medical issues that will also involve a lengthy recovery time. Harvesting wheat and lentils was on the to-do list for our handy volunteers.

Farming is one of the most dangerous occupations. Grain bins can harm even the most experienced farmer. A Mott, North Dakota, family lost their farmer to just such an accident. Our volunteers are working hard to bring in their wheat and canola crops to ease their minds just a bit.

Wheat and canola were the focus of Farm Rescue’s volunteer team in Drake, North Dakota, as well this week. This family is trying to help their farmer through treatments for cancer and our Angels in Blue were there to assist.

Whether they’re on a combine, pulling a hopper-bottom trailer, or manning a farm show booth, our volunteers are multi-talented! Several of them were on hand recently for The Farm Progress Show — the nation’s largest outdoor ag show. Thanks to the incredible generosity of Farm Progress and their donation of exhibit space, Farm Rescue had its first ever booth at this year's event. It was a great opportunity to showcase our equipment and mission amongst thousands of attendees. A big thank you to our Field Operations Manager Ben Smith for coordinating and delivering the many featured implements and vehicles to the show grounds near Boone, IA. We were also blessed to have a presence in several partner booths at the event, including Nutrien Ag Solutions, Wyffels Hybrids, and Titan International. 

Sloan Implement and Wyffels Hybrids hosted another Farm Rescue Friday event at Sloan’s Monroe, Wisconsin, location. We appreciate them giving us the opportunity to share our mission with attendees and for their continued support!

We send our heartfelt thanks to this week’s volunteers for making the time to help farmers in crisis, including Keith Barkema, Les Reu, John Neumayer, Matt Blaylock, Andy Wittenburg, Jeff Moss, Lee Bleeker, Albert Lautenschlager, John Robertson, Brian Palmer, Jack Limke, Mike Storm, Rick Davidson, Kieth Worthley, and Kevin Snyder.

“It is of no use to spread time, labor, and manure too thin.”—The Old Farmer’s Almanac, 1922


Jennifer Theurer
Field Operations Support Assistant

Farm Rescue combine loaded on trailer and two volunteers standing in front of a pickup
This week in pictures

This week's highlight pictures include the Farm Rescue combine being strapped down on a trailer and ready to head to its first harvest case of the year. Volunteers Jeff Moss of Meridian, Idaho, and Lee Bleeker of Brandon, South Dakota, stopped by the Farm Rescue office to pickup some new branded shirts.

August 21, 2024 – Amber grains are waving

Farmers rarely have a backup plan. It’s usually something like, “We could ask the neighbors, but I hate to make them use their vacation time helping us.” Because not everyone is so lucky to farm full-time.

Farm Rescue is happy to be the backup plan, and farmers don’t have to worry about how much vacation time we use to be there.

This week found our Angels in Blue cutting wheat in Donnybrook, North Dakota, for a family whose farmer fell from a sprayer and broke his leg. His recovery time will be around 5 months, so having Farm Rescue bring in their wheat lets him heal thoroughly and takes some of the weight off the family’s shoulders.

A Crosby, North Dakota, farmer had open heart surgery this summer and will need a hip replacement once he’s cleared by his cardiologist. Farm Rescue is helping harvest the family’s wheat crop so they can pay their bills.

A farm accident took the life of a Mott, North Dakota, farmer, leaving his wife and son to figure out how to keep it all going. Our volunteers were happy to help cut wheat and take one big worry off their minds.

Field Operations Manager Ben Smith has been working hard to get several pieces of Farm Rescue equipment ready for the upcoming Farm Progress Show in Iowa. The Farm Rescue tractor and planter will be on display as well as the combine, semi with hopper bottom trailer, and the always popular Farm Rescue pickup. Make plans to stop into the booth and tell him how much you appreciate his work.

Ben and Development Officer Terry Johnston were in Waverly, Iowa, with the Farm Rescue Busch Light pickup and Fahr Beverage’s Busch Light-Farm Rescue semi this week as the town celebrated the grand re-opening of its newly renovated Walmart. Farm Rescue thanks Fahr Beverage for their support in representing Iowa farmers.

Another round of thanks and applause, of course, goes to our volunteers this week including Andy Wittenburg, Keith Barkema, Jeff Moss, Lee Bleeker, Mike Storm, Kevin Snyder, Jack Limke, Volunteer Coordinator Genita Limke, and Kieth Worthley.

“Most things, except agriculture, can wait.”—Jawaharlal Nehru


Jennifer Theurer

August 15, 2024 - Heavy on our minds

There have been several ATV accidents reported lately and we’d like to remind all our friends to please use caution and safety when operating those type of vehicles because we want you all to stay safe and healthy. Safe and healthy is how you want your family and friends, so do the same for yourself, please.

We all remember how nice it was to have the wind in our hair and the bugs in our teeth, but helmets are made to protect you from hurtful objects like the hard ground and large rocks that might be in the way when you happen to fall off, so use them.

Haying season rolls on and Farm Rescue’s Angels in Blue finished up two haying projects this week.

A nasty fall tore the quad muscle of a Crosby, North Dakota, farmer and our volunteers were able to roll up 539 bales so his cattle would have a feed source this winter. We gave the farmer time to heal up and be back on the move when his herd needs him.

An Almont, North Dakota, farmer has struggled with physical and mental issues since being trampled by a cow and requested help from Farm Rescue to bring in his hay crop. One of our dedicated volunteers rolled 241 bales on his acres. That makes one less worry for the farmer and his family.

We’re also currently working a harvest case for a Bloomfield, Montana, family who is navigating the unexpected loss of the farm's main operator. Grief and anger can make it difficult for any family to carry on with day-to-day tasks, let alone handle the bigger projects that often arise on a farm. Farm Rescue is honored to step up and give this family a little relief.

If you or anyone you know are battling mental health issues and the many stresses involved with farming, please dial 988 or 1-800-273-TALK (8255). There are also some great resources available through the Farm Family Wellness Alliance, which provides farm families access to mental health and wellbeing services at no cost. Farm Rescue is privileged to be part of this important coalition. To learn more about the Farm Family Wellness Alliance and the services available through their Togetherall platform, visit

We're busy relocating combines and equipment so they are in the best position for upcoming harvest cases. Field Operations Manager Luke Benedict is coordinating our efforts to best help farmers in need.

Farm Rescue had a little Fun at the Farm with Bertsch Farms in Hillsboro, North Dakota. Bertsch Farms used the event to educate visitors about farms and raise money for Farm Rescue. With activities like axe throwing, bounce houses, tractor rides, hayrides, and drone demos, a good time was had by all.

Good times are always happening at the Iowa State Fair and Farm Rescue was blessed to receive an invitation to share our mission inside the Titan Tire booth. Field Operations Manager Ben Smith and Development Officer Terry Johnston manned Farm Rescue’s part of the booth and we thank them for taking the time to go. It was another great opportunity to display our Farm Rescue and Busch Light co-branded pickup, as well. Maybe next time they’ll bring a funnel cake back to share.

Our Angels in Blue sharing their time this week were Andy Wittenburg, Garry Deckert, Dave Zimmer, Bill Bjorneby, Keith Barkema, Kieth Worthley, Jack Limke, and Volunteer Coordinator Genita Limke. Thank you all so much!

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”—Robin Sharma


Jennifer Theurer
Field Operations Support Assistant



August 9, 2024 – Whiplash

The first tractor I learned to drive was a hydrostatic International 826. I also earned the nickname “Whiplash” and, yes, those two snippets became fact around the same time.

Whiplash is what Mother Nature has given us this week as she can’t decide if it is summer or fall. Some parts of the country are sweltering through temps in the 90s or higher and others are turning on the furnace because of the chill.

Our volunteers have been weathering her indecision with their usual can-do spirit.

A farmer in Almont, North Dakota, was trampled by a cow two years ago and has been fighting physical and mental health issues ever since. Farm Rescue has been working to get his hay baled so he has one less thing to worry about during his recovery.

There are a couple of Farm Rescue volunteers in Crosby, North Dakota, baling hay for a farmer that suffered a major knee injury during a fall. Baling his hay now will make sure his cattle can be fed this winter when he has fully recovered.

With harvest knocking on our door, Farm Rescue has been busy getting equipment where it needs to be, which involves many road miles. Transporting equipment and vehicles means wear and tear on tires and we've received 2 very generous donations this week!

Farm Rescue sends a big thank you to Swift County Corn & Soybean Growers and the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association for donating 3 sets of soy-based Goodyear Wrangler Workhorse HT tires during this week's Minnesota Farmfest show! These tires will help keep our pickup trucks rolling to farms in crisis throughout the region. We truly appreciate the support!

Longtime volunteer Keith Barkema donated 8 semi tires this week and then he helped change them all out too! Your helping heart and helping hands are very much appreciated.

In addition to Keith, we also send our heartfelt thanks to Garry Deckert, John Neumayer, Dave Zimmer, Bill Bjorneby and Andy Wittenburg for minding the gap for farmers in need and Farm Rescue this week. Our angels in blue are the best!

“Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.”—Sherry Anderson

Thank you all so much,

Jennifer Theurer
Field Operations Support Assistant

August 1, 2024 – Planning our work and working our plan

Some may be focused on a rapidly approaching wheat harvest, but Farm Rescue isn’t going to “bale” on haying season!

The spring rains that kept our tractors, seeders, and planters out of the fields contributed to a bumper crop of hay.  

Before that crop can make local livestock very happy this winter, it has to be cut and baled. That’s where Farm Rescue can help if needed.

A Wing, North Dakota, farmer needed to have knee surgery, and his doctor didn’t want to wait until the farmer “had time” to take care of it. So they did it based on the doctor’s schedule and that just happened to be when the farmer’s hay was ready to be baled. Farm Rescue “baled” the farmer out so his cattle will be among the very happy livestock I mentioned earlier in this highlight.

More haying cases are waiting in the wings, so stay tuned for future highlights.

The Mohall Ag Association recently hosted their annual golf tournament and benefit auction in Mohall, North Dakota. Thrivent Financial contributed a Titleist golf club to be auctioned off with all proceeds going to Farm Rescue. Thank you, Thrivent Financial! Your donation is greatly appreciated.

Farm Rescue also sends a heartfelt thank you to volunteer Garry Deckert for his help wrapping things up this week, and Mike Melaas for attending the event in Mohall. I really wanted to sneak one more bale pun in there, but it seems they all rolled away.

“Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting.”—Brian Tracy


Jennifer Theurer
Field Operations Support Assistant

July 11, 2024 – All the small things

By now I hope your Fourth of July sunburn is a little less painful and that the memories of this fantastic holiday will linger long after the redness has faded completely.

Longtime volunteers Keith and Sharon Barkema drove Farm Rescue’s newly wrapped pickup and grain trailer in their hometown Fourth of July parade as seen in the pictures above. What a wonderful way to pay tribute to the farmers that support so many small communities across the country.

In the quiet time between planting and harvesting, Farm Rescue is still working to make sure we can respond immediately when needed. Lots of preparation and maintenance tasks are being tended to — kind of like elves in Santa’s workshop. For context, there are only 24 Fridays until Christmas Day. Just think about that as sweat rolls off your brow and onto whatever bolt you’re trying to loosen.

Our long list of rainy-day tasks such as reconditioning an air seeder or repacking wheel bearings are waiting for everything to fall into place so they can be marked as done. Farm Rescue employees, Luke Benedict and Ben Smith, along with several volunteers are waiting for the green flag signal that they can begin.

Farm Rescue sends a heartfelt thanks to Keith and Sharon for representing us so well and to Mari Benedict for helping move vehicles and implements this week. Some may think a successful operation depends on one big thing like planting, baling, or harvesting, but really it relies on all the smaller things that have to happen in the meantime.

“It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great.”—A League of Their Own


Jennifer Theurer
Field Operations Support Assistant

June 27, 2024 – Growing dreams and harvesting success

If planting is the pre-season of farming, then harvest is the Super Bowl. There’s no ring to be won at the end, but there are bushels of golden grain that support the operation and the legacy built by the farmer.

Much like the championship game, harvest is stressful even when everything is going well. An untimely accident, a natural disaster, or an illness can make the task seem impossible. Farm Rescue is here to make that task and all those connected with it more manageable.

A Kingman, Kansas, farmer suffered a medical episode while driving his combine, causing him to run into a post and damage his machine just as his wheat was ready to harvest. Field Operations Manager Ben Smith and fellow Iowan Brent Weidauer traveled south to cut the farmer’s wheat in one of the biggest fields I’ve ever seen—clocking in at 490 acres of contiguous farm ground. Farm Rescue’s efforts have given that farmer the time he needs to get his machine repaired and ready for the next harvest.

As a retired farm kid, I’ve spent my fair share of time riding shotgun in a combine. I can’t say buddy seat because the first combines I rode in didn’t have one! The International 715 combine of my youth is a far cry from the machines harvesting these days, but the purpose remains the same—to provide for farm families and their surrounding communities.

Farm Rescue sends a hearty thanks to Mari Benedict, Garry Deckert, Albert Lautenschlager, and Brent Weidauer for volunteering their time this week.

With the holiday happening next week, the Farm Rescue crew will be taking some time to be with our families. We want to wish everyone a safe Fourth of July holiday. May your fireworks be grand, your BBQ grill be hot, and your potato salad properly chilled!


Jennifer Theurer
Field Operations Support Assistant

June 20, 2024 - Asking for help is a sign of strength

Bare fields have given way to amber waves of grain for much of the southern part of the United States and it won’t be long before Farm Rescue staff and volunteers are heeding the call of farm families in need.

That call can come from the family itself, a caring neighbor, or a farm organization the family is a member of, but it will always be answered.

Another call that will always be answered is one to the National Suicide Hotline. By calling 988 or 800-273-8255, a person can be talking through their worries with someone in a matter of minutes. Sometimes that’s all it takes.

Asking for help is a sign of strength. It’s a strong person who makes that move to improve his mental health and take care of his well-being.

If you or someone you know needs mental health resources and doesn’t know where to turn, visit There you will find several low-cost options for putting your mental health back on a firm foundation.

A firm foundation is what an Elgin, North Dakota, farm family needed as one of their own faced a mental health crisis and needed time to regain his footing. While farming is often physically taxing, it can quickly overwhelm someone mentally as well. Our lone angel in blue, Kenny Crites, went to work this week helping that family haul sunflowers to market and get wheat planted so they can all breathe a little easier.

Farm Rescue sends a hearty thanks to Kenny and all those who stepped up during planting season. We also extend our appreciation to those who help us maintain our mental health, whether it be a family member, close friend, pastor or counselor.

Making a left turn into other Farm Rescue happenings, the Farm Rescue pickup was very popular at the Iowa Corn 350 NASCAR race at Iowa Speedway over Father's Day weekend. Ross Chastain and the No. 1 Busch Light car placed 11th in the race but will always be a winner in our book! 

Farm Rescue would like to thank Anheuser-Busch and Busch Light for allowing us to share our mission with racegoers!

“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.”—John Green


Jennifer Theurer
Field Operations Support Assistant

June 13, 2024 - The heart of the matter

People are at the heart of the matter for Farm Rescue.

From the farmers we want to help, to the Farm Rescue employees who lay the groundwork before help arrives, the volunteers who pause their lives at home, and finally to the sponsors who make providing that help possible, all of it revolves around people.

During the rush of planting season, one of our volunteers said that he and his crew were just four dads trying to make it possible for another dad to spend precious time with his child. It’s the people that matter to Farm Rescue and this week was spent planting the seeds to be able to give a hand up to farmers in crises in the future.

Actual seed planting continued this week for a Meadow, South Dakota, family facing a long road to recovery for their son who is a third-generation farmer and was involved in a terrible car accident in February.

Our small but mighty crew of volunteers then moved to Niagara, North Dakota, to assist a farming family who have been facing urgent medical issues on multiple fronts while trying to raise their young children and care for ailing grandparents.

A Langdon, North Dakota, farmer is recovering from a recent cancer surgery and needed to get his soybeans planted. Our angels in blue were able to get in the fields once they dried out from frequent rains.

The weather was perfect for Farm Rescue Friday, hosted by Wyffels Hybrids and Prairie State Tractor in Geneseo, Illinois, last week. This backyard BBQ was meant to educate attendees about Farm Rescue and raise money for our worthy cause. Several volunteers were able to attend including Randy Woods, Harrison Schweitzer, Jim & Laurie Rose, Les Reu, John Neumayer, Dennis Morgan, Jack Limke, and Erv Geisler. Staff members included Tim Sullivan, senior development director; Ben Smith, field operations manager; Genita Limke, volunteer coordinator; and Nate Clark, Farm Rescue’s new executive director. Nate has shown how passionate he is about Farm Rescue’s mission, and we look forward to working with him more now that he’s officially part of the crew!

Our angels in blue this week were Kenny Crites, Albert Lautenschlager, Greg Kalinoski, and John Neumayer.

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.”—Dalai Lama


Jennifer Theurer
Field Operations Support Assistant

June 6, 2024 – Operation Hay Lift concludes and planting rolls on

As reports of massive wildfires devouring a history-making number of acres started coming in from Texas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska, Farm Rescue minded the gap for farmers and ranchers who had lost cattle, fences, equipment and homes.

Field Operations Manager Ben Smith reports that Operation Hay Lift, which started on March 20, helped a total of 43 families before it concluded May 31.

Nineteen drivers from Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee, Washington, and Wisconsin, freely gave their time to make sure those affected could feed their cattle.

It was incredibly humbling to see the look of relief in the recipients’ eyes and hear the appreciation in their voices as the hay was unloaded and the ratchet straps were being rolled up.

Planting season has been fast and furious when the rain stopped long enough to let the soil dry out.

Our angels in blue finished their work near Eddyville, Iowa, for a family dealing with depression, following the loss of their father who always took care of the corn planting.

A tornado recently devastated a Corning, Iowa, family’s farm. Farm Rescue volunteers were able to get their soybeans planted this week, taking one more worry off their shoulders.

Soybeans were also planted for a Prescott, Iowa, family affected by that same tornado. Our hand up will give them time to concentrate on repairing their house, shed, and the many miles of fence that were destroyed.

A farm family in Niagara, North Dakota, was left reeling by a number of medical issues that need time and attention to heal. Planting their soybeans was one thing Farm Rescue could do to give them more of both.

A Carpio, North Dakota, family continues to work through their father’s brain tumor diagnosis and treatment. Farm Rescue was able to get their wheat planted so they will have some stability in the future.

Farm Rescue has also had a couple of opportunities to be in the community instead of the field this week! The Minnesota counties of Clay and Wilkin held a Breakfast on the Farm event that worked to educate the 3,500 attendees about agriculture and how it's involved in their daily lives. 

Wisconsin is the most recent addition to our coverage area. Anheuser-Busch wholesaler Beechwood Sales of New Berlin hosted an event that included a raffle with half of the proceeds being donated to Farm Rescue. We thank them for the warm welcome and their valuable support.

Farm Rescue extends a hearty thank you to all the volunteers this week including Drew Fish, Carl Benck, Greg Hill, Kenny Crites, Greg Kalinoski, Brian Kunes, Kevin Havern, Emil Baranko, Kenneth Chyle, Al Bryce, and Mike Youngblood.

“All I know for sure is that this world will break your heart, but it has a thousand forms of medicine too.”—Nadia Bolz-Weber


Jennifer Theurer
Field Operations Support Assistant

May 29, 2024 - Friends in need

Many of Farm Rescue’s volunteers and staff have strong ties to agriculture and the farmers and ranchers we serve are more than cases to us. We consider them friends.

Rainy conditions were persistent again this week, but our angels in blue prevailed and got some considerable acres planted and hay delivered.

With that rain came tornadoes that left a trail of destruction in Iowa. Quick work by our Field Operations Manager Ben Smith had a crew working in Corning, Iowa, for a family that lost their house, hog barns, and grain bins. All of their tractors suffered damage and they lost many head of livestock too. With our hand up, this family can concentrate on cleaning up and rebuilding.

There will be waves of wheat growing for a Willow City, North Dakota, farm family as Farm Rescue volunteers got their crop planted this week. Triple bypass heart surgery isn’t something that should be delayed, and we were happy to tend to the tilling as the patient heals.

A Carpio, North Dakota, farmer was sidelined by treatment for a brain tumor discovered last fall. As of press time, Farm Rescue volunteers were able to complete more than half of the needed planting to help keep his family farm going.

Broken ribs are terrible on their own, but coupled with a knee injury suffered at the same time and you have a very good reason to not be driving a tractor. One Karlsruhe, North Dakota, farmer is still in considerable pain but not because his crops still need to be planted, thanks to Farm Rescue volunteers.

While planting is winding down for some areas of the country, cattle feeding is still a need for those affected by the wildfires in Oklahoma earlier this year. Our case numbers are getting smaller, but we are committed to staying in the area until the work is done. We appreciate our truck driving volunteers for their hours on the road for the recovering ranchers.

A big thank you goes to this week’s volunteers who put the seeds in the soil and the wheels on the ground including Kenny Crites, Albert Lautenschlager, Greg Hill, Brian Kunes, Kevin Havern, Chester Arnold, Al Bryce, Drew Fish, Carl Benck, Mike Youngblood, Mike Poppel, Kenneth Chyle, Emil Baranko, Tom & Debbie Richards, Garry Deckert, and Mike Wilson.

“If rain spoils our picnic but saves a farmer’s crop, who are we to say it shouldn’t rain?”—Tom Barrett


Jennifer Theurer
Field Operations Support Assistant

May 23, 2024 – You can’t keep a good crew down

The English philosopher John Stuart Mill is quoted as saying, “It is questionable if all the mechanical inventions yet made have lightened the day’s toil of any human being.”

This statement couldn’t have been truer for Farm Rescue’s angels in blue this week. Mechanical breakdowns and tire issues seemed to be a recurring theme as we filled the fields of several farmers facing serious medical issues and cattle-related calamities. While situations may have seemed bleak at times, this didn’t stop our dedicated teams from doing their best for the families they were serving.

Bowbells, North Dakota, is home to a farmer who recently went through open heart surgery. His sons were taking good care of the family’s cattle, but their canola crop needed more attention than they could spare.

A cow was the source of the injuries suffered by a Karlsruhe, North Dakota, farmer. Men weren’t made to plant corn with broken ribs and an injured knee, so Farm Rescue volunteers were happy to get his crop planted so the farmer had time to heal.

Another bovine bust up led a Center, North Dakota, farmer to seek Farm Rescue’s unique brand of help. Suffering from a broken leg meant he couldn’t get wheat planted to support his family and his cowherd.

A Keota, Iowa, farmer’s foot was recently crushed by a concrete feed bunk. While his brother provided a good amount of assistance, Farm Rescue was able to ease more of the family’s stress by getting their soybeans planted.

A Meadow, South Dakota, family needed some extra support after their son was severely injured in a car accident. As the family faced an extended recovery period, our angels in blue arrived to get their sunflower crop in the soil so they could concentrate on helping their son.

A brain tumor diagnosis for one Carpio, North Dakota, farmer meant that his teenage son was taking on the bulk of the workload. Allowing Farm Rescue to help get their wheat crop planted means their son and the family can breathe a little easier.

Many farmers deal with pain from lingering injuries and a Badger, Minnesota, farmer was in a dire situation as a bad spinal disc forced him to have neck surgery. Limited physical ability meant this farmer’s soybean crop wasn’t going to be planted in a timely manner. Thankfully, he was willing to let Farm Rescue volunteers give him a hand up in securing his future harvest.

Operation Hay Lift is benefitting Oklahoma ranchers as semi loads of hay are being delivered to those still recovering from the historic wildfires that swept through the western part of the state earlier this year.

If it seems like Farm Rescue was in a lot of places all at once it’s because we were! We are here so farmers and ranchers can get through the tough spots a little easier.

We would like to give our sincerest thanks to this week's crew of volunteers, including Chester Arnold, Mark Baumgarten, Ken Enstrom, Tom & Debbie Richards, Bruce Opheim, Andy Wittenburg, Mike Wilson, Garry Deckert, Ron Donohue, Terry Willhoit, Mike Youngblood, David Endorf, Kieth Worthley, and Albert Lautenschlager.


Jennifer Theurer
Field Operations Support Assistant

May 16, 2024 - Let the sun shine in

The Farm Rescue volunteers were sowing seeds when the sun shined this week. Rain still delayed them here and there but when the going was good our dedicated workforce was ready.

A Center, North Dakota, family needed some wheat and oats planted when the farmer suffered a broken leg while feeding cows. The farmer should be back on both feet eventually but having the planting covered gave the family the time they needed to tend their cowherd.

Two medical emergencies in consecutive months took a toll on an Alamo, North Dakota, farm family causing them to get behind on field work and their custom grain cleaning business to lose customers. Farm Rescue was happy to put boots on the ground so the family could concentrate on healing and celebrating their 2024 high school graduate.

A brain aneurysm has kept a Fairmount, North Dakota, farmer from tending his fields of corn and soybeans. Our volunteers stepped up to make sure seeds were sown for him and his family in the future.

Roscoe, South Dakota, is home to a farmer who suddenly lost his father this spring. Coupled with major health issues he’s faced in the recent past, he needed a hand up from Farm Rescue get this year’s corn and soybean crop ready.

Farm Rescue and its volunteers would like to sincerely thank AgCountry Farm Credit Services of Wahpeton, North Dakota, for bringing lunch out for our crew working in the Fairmount area. Our volunteers are not paid for their time, so it was a wonderful acknowledgement of how much they are appreciated by the surrounding community.

This week’s angels in blue were Mike Wilson, Ken Sevigny, Larry Begyn, David Endorf, Kieth Worthley, Mike Poppel, Kenneth Chyle, Mark Baumgarten, Ken Enstrom, John Radke, Jeff Preston, Steve Satterthwaite, Mark Madler, Mark Gilson, Mark Burton, Tom Knoll, Chester, Arnold, Tom & Debbie Richards, Mike Youngblood, Wade Peterson, Ron Donohue, Terry Wilhoit, and Andy Wittenburg.

"We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men."—Herman Melville


Jennifer Theurer
Field Operations Support Assistant


May 9, 2024 - I love a rainy night, but ...

Farm Rescue crews had a good start to the week but rain has chased them out of the fields for the last couple of days.

One crew took on a case near Alamo, North Dakota, to plant peas, canola, and spring wheat for a farmer who's been fighting a vicious infection since having an appendectomy in March. Doctors have told him no cattle work, no tractor driving, and no climbing on the grain mill. That pretty much takes him out of commission and our volunteers have been happy to mind the gap for him and his family.

A farmer near Glen Ullin, North Dakota, had open heart surgery in February and his spring wheat still needs to be planted. Once the soil dries out, Farm Rescue looks forward to getting his crop in the ground and his family on firmer ground too.

Spring wheat and chick peas are the order of the day in Makoti, North Dakota, for a farmer with lingering gall bladder issues that have kept him out of his fields. Health issues and some additional personal tragedies will be less of a burden with a hand up from our volunteers.

We have one hay hauling case for the great state of Wisconsin for a farmer hit by on going drought. Feeding hay year round has greatly depleted their hay reserves and bills still need to be paid. Donated hay and a volunteer driver will help making ends meet.

Volunteers willing to weather the storms this week as rain fell across most of North Dakota were Tom Meyer, Kelly Valtr, Hervey Madden, Gary Kline, Tom Richards, Debbie Richards, Greg Kalinoski, Mark Burton, Mark Baumgarten, Tom Knoll, Dennis Morgan, Steve Satterthwaite, Mark Madler, Kenneth Chyle, John Andrews, John Radke, Mark Gilson, Jeff Preston, and Wade Peterson. We give all them a hearty thanks for their resilience and patience!


Jennifer Theurer
Field Operations Support Assistant

May 2, 2024 - And the rains came down

Through our Field Ops Manager, Ben Smith’s hard work there have been 8 new hay lift cases added to the list this week. Kevin Towe and Dean Isaacs have been delivering hay as fast as the law allows to farmers and ranchers affected by the wildfires in western Oklahoma.

Our spring planting window has rain drops all over it thanks to Mother Nature turning on the spigot over the Dakotas. Farm Rescue had teams on deck waiting for the ground to dry out but then another rain cloud appeared overhead and dumped just the right amount of rain to delay things for another day or two.

One air seeder crew was hoping to plant wheat in Halliday, North Dakota, for a farmer who suffered a broken pelvis and hip when he was thrown from his 4-wheeler while chasing cattle.

A Glen Ullin, North Dakota, farmer had open heart surgery in February to repair an aortic aneurysm and replace a faulty valve. Farm Rescue had a team armed with an air seeder ready to plant his spring wheat crop.

Farm Rescue is set to tackle planting chickpeas for the first time ever this spring for a Makoti, North Dakota, farmer who’s been dealing with some devastating events in his community on top of facing serious health issues of his own.

As I’ve talked about the rain delays you may think our crews are just hanging out at their hotel, but you would be wrong. As with all agricultural enterprises there is always something to do even when the ground is too wet to farm and our crews have been taking care of some much-needed maintenance on seeders and other equipment while they wait.

The following volunteers have faced Mother Nature’s fickle attitude this week with bottomless patience and we can’t thank them enough for that. Those who have weathered the storms include Tom Meyer, Hervey Madden, Kelly Valtr, Greg Kalinoski, Mark Gilson, Gary Kline, Jeff Preston, Dennis Morgan, Steve Satterthwaite, and Kenneth Chyle. Dennis is new to volunteering for Farm Rescue and we hope he can participate in drier conditions next time!

“Despite all our accomplishments, we owe our existence to a 6-inch layer of topsoil and the fact that it rains.” —Paul Harvey


Jennifer Theurer
Field Operations Support Assistant

April 25, 2024 - Operation Hay Lift and planting begins

Farm Rescue started out 2024 answering the call to help farmers and ranchers in Texas, Oklahoma and Nebraska after wildfire swept through those areas destroying hay supplies, equipment, and several thousand head of cattle. Our Operation Hay Lift volunteers stepped up and drove semis hooked to drop deck trailers from Fargo, North Dakota, down to North Platte, Nebraska, Shattuck, Oklahoma, Canadian, Texas, and several places in between. They shared the story of Farm Rescue’s purpose in many diners and coffee shops as they traveled, too.

Driving hundreds of miles across the scorched Plains, our volunteers got an up-close and personal view of what the fire left behind — the tremendous grit and resilience of farmers and ranchers who are at the mercy of Mother Nature on a daily basis. Farm Rescue trucks started their deliveries the last week of March and worked through the last full week of April.

We are so grateful to volunteers David Endorf, Garry Deckert, Kenny Crites, Garry Roberts, David Hunter, Mark Gilson, Ross Nelson, Rick & Cindy London, Tom Richards, Will Rudolphi, Kevin Smitherman, Kevin Towe and Dean Isaacs for their dedication in helping farmers and ranchers in Nebraska and the southern Great Plains.

Farm Rescue staff was still coordinating hay deliveries as planting season kicked into gear in the north country. Snow and rain caused some delays but crews were in place when the ground was ready to be sown.

Our air seeder crews have been planting wheat for a Stanley, North Dakota, family whose son is facing a devastating and rare cancer prognosis. Our volunteers were more than happy to take care of getting the family’s crop in the ground so they could spend time with their son and still have a source of income.

Another crew is planting wheat around Baldwin, North Dakota, for a farmer who needs to concentrate on his heart valve treatment at Mayo Clinic. Getting his crop in the ground will go a long way to easing his mind about the future.

A third crew is working in the New Salem, North Dakota, area planting more wheat for a family trying to overcome a cancer diagnosis and the prescribed surgery to begin the treatment process. This team will stay in the New Salem area to help yet another farmer who is facing back surgery that is being delayed by other health concerns.

Once these cases are completed, Farm Rescue volunteers will have planted just under 3,000 acres of wheat and a few hundred acres of barley for farmers in need of a hand up.

Those volunteers helping us in the early planting season include Emil Baranko, Kenneth Chyle, Matt Blaylock, Chris Davison, Chris Batdorf, Bryan Perry, Rich Thuesen, Sid Bardwell, Mike Wilson, Albert Lautenschlager, Mike Melaas, John Andrews, Glenn Biederman, Mike Youngblood, Paul Zierke, Tom Meyer, Hervey Madden, and Kelly Valtr.

You may notice a different name at the bottom of the highlights this week. I'm Jennifer Theurer and I started in February as Field Operations Support Assistant. I'm a retired farm kid who wanted to continue to support agriculture in any way I could. Dan Erdmann has entrusted the weekly highlights to me and I look forward to keeping you all updated on Farm Rescue's latest works.

“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time they just have the heart.” —Elizabeth Andrew


Jennifer Theurer
Field Operations Support Assistant


FARM RESCUE SPONSOR - North Star Community Credit Union




Farm Rescue 2023 - Glen Ullin, ND